
What’s in a name? ‘S’ is for Suitable

What does SQEP stand for? And what does it mean to be a SQEP? Join us on our four-part series where you'll get to find out.

What does SQEP stand for? And what does it mean to be a SQEP? Join us on our four-part series where you’ll get to find out.

‘S’ seems like a good place to start….

S is for Suitable’, but what does suitable mean? For us, it means finding the right person not just for the role but also the needs of the organisation. Determining if someone is suitable involves a comprehensive evaluation process that goes beyond qualifications. It requires assessing both technical competencies and cultural fit

We are proud to be home to the most experienced and practiced specialist civilian and military safety experts in the UK. The combined expertise of our team covers areas including airworthiness, certification, engineering support solutions, compliance and SAI (Ship-Air Integration). Our vast team have the skills, experience, and qualities needed to contribute effectively and suitably to any programme.

Talk to us today about your programme requirements, get in touch.

For more about us, visit our about us page here


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